Wednesday 26 June 2013

Matt Harkin

The Team

Isobel MacIntosh

Dear Isobel,

I really hate goodbyes so I have opted for the classic ‘note’.  I tend to get emotional when I part from someone who has been in my life and is difficult to say bye to.  I thought better to say a few kind words instead rather than the obligatory handshake or pat on the back.

When I started working at the college we did not click instantly but you were never bloody in and when you were you were always working J - those business like days are gone and I now will miss you when I have gone, you are a kind friend who has brought me into the team and ensured that I have been involved and part of the best team of people I have ever had the privilege to work with.  Even in these last weeks I have found you to be one of the best teachers in the building – always looking towards the students and how to get them through – a great sign of an educator, willing to give part of themselves.  I will miss you – hell I will miss every one of you.

I would have loved to stay at the college and loved Dumfries and am sad to leave you all.

Kindest regards to you Isobel,


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Beverley Jackson

Dear Beverley,

I really hate goodbyes so I have opted for the classic ‘note’.  I tend to get emotional when I part from someone who has been in my life and is difficult to say bye to.  I thought better to say a few kind words instead rather than the obligatory handshake or pat on the back.

When I arrived at the college I found myself stuck on the end desk with no one to look at but you.  Thank God for mercy it could have been Dunc!  You have always been there to help me – because I reckon I spent quite a lot of my first few months asking you constantly questions again and again.  You did the British thing and smiled, showed the upper lip and answered me again and again with very helpful and thoughtful advice.  You made my welcome very welcoming and at times I thought I was a right pain the arse.  You never said so and always helped me.  I think it is time to discuss the stapler incident – I feel like one of those neighbours that borrow a lawnmover and never returns it.  I honestly cannot remember when I ‘got’ the stapler and based on my short and long term memory have forgotten it.  Too much information in my head makes other bits leak out!  I only know that when I was in with the C3IS one day in May Steve McGhee said ‘does that say Bev in tipex’.  You being you never brought it up but I wish you had – I certainly wasn’t going to.  Thanks for the best help ever, good company and of course the stapling device. J

I would have loved to stay at the college and loved Dumfries and am sad to leave you all.

Kindest regards to you Bev,


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Duncan Gillespie

Dear Duncan,

I really hate goodbyes so I have opted for the classic ‘note’.  I tend to get emotional when I part from someone who has helped me and you have helped me a hell of a lot.  I thought better to say a few kind words instead rather than the obligatory handshake or pat on the back Commodore.

When I first arrived at the college you were the only person I was worried about – don’t worry I just had not come across someone like you in such as long time.  You have been the person to look towards, even look up to (your quite tall) and when I have needed instant help you have always been the one who gave it willingly and with insight.  Your like my personal tech support with an added level of intelligence and friendliness.  I am sad to have to leave you in that staffroom because only a few people understand you jokes!  Your a one in a million straight up mate and I am sorry for not spending more time with you.  I reckon we could have been a terrible duo.

I know that you have that new position at work and honestly I would have stayed if the SM team could have got their fingers out and sorted out a deal.

Kindest regards to my sensi Duncan,


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Robert Burns

Dear Robert,

I really hate goodbyes so I have opted for the classic ‘note’.  I tend to get emotional when I part from someone who has been in my life and helped me.  I thought better to say a few kind words instead rather than the obligatory handshake or pat on the back.

When I went to interview I seen that you were the smart one (lol Iain will laugh at that), and from that point I have always seen you as the go to guy.  You have been the straight talking boss that I always looked for and have found wisdom and insight from you - one day when I grow up I would like to be like you!  You have been a real friend at work and I am sorry to leave you in the shit.  We both know the whys and all that but I wish you get ahead of those SM muppets and sort the mess out.  I am annoyed at myself for not spending enough time in your company because I reckon we could have had a laugh making some programs that no one found cool except us.

My family deserves some stability so I have made this move – hope it works and if you ever get an option for a real FT à get me onboard.  I kinda like Dumfries.  Perhaps the muppet crack was going to far.

Best wishes and kindest regards to you Robert,


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Iain Hawker

Dear Iain,

I really hate goodbyes so I have opted for the classic ‘note’.  I tend to get emotional when I part from someone who has been in my life and helped me.  I thought better to say a few kind words instead rather than the obligatory handshake or back pat.

You have not just helped me, you have helped my family and that means a lot more to me.  If you had not been at that interview and seen something in me I reckon I would still be stuck in some crummy job with no reward.  Every day I have worked with you has been a positive and never have I came across a person like you who is always willing and able to get things done but in the nicest of ways.  I appreciate you and your assistance and can find no way to repay you.

Obviously we have parted in circumstances that were not of your doing and I really do not want to go but my family needs stability and deserves it.

Kindest regards and best wishes to you Iain,


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